Dare to accept ambitious, difficult and challenging projects; to believe in new talents; to build the future through innovation; to search for the perfect balance among time, cost and quality
Develop following a systemic approach, integrating skills; design in an eclectic way, coordinating complex activities focusing to the quality of the final result
Do and build in synergy with technical development, from single prototype to low volume production through the continuous search for highly qualified suppliers and technical partners in an efficient work environment. Knowing not only how things are done, but also why they are done
We are passionate and proud of cars, thinking that in most of them there is something of ours
We deliver excellent results because we are excellent professionals and we challenge ourselves to be always better
The esteem of our customers, suppliers and employees is our best business card
You may access our whistleblowing system at the url: https://danisiwb_whistleblowing.keisdata.it