NVidia PX2 autonomous driving systems integration on static and dynamic simulators.ment.

Danisi Engineering with Meccanica42 and partners AddFor and VIGrade have completed the integration of NVidia PX2 autonomous driving systems on its static and dynamic simulators.

This integrated technology allows to :
– replicate the driving support system behaviour in a controlled and validated environment like that of simulators
– define the relevant situations to highlight system criticalities, both for single and integrated systems
– study the response of the systems in repeatable situations in order to highlight possible problems, study solutions, check system integration criticalities and opportunities, compared different technology and suppliers, develop methodology
– support the system calibration with big reduction in time and costs and more robust results
– support tier1 suppliers in their system development
– study new technology, including virtual training of AI and its application to real worlds.
Danisi Engineering Team is now proceeding with the integration of different commercial ADAS systems in the simulators in order to extend the possibility of comparison and the offer of services to our clients.

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